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9 Ways to stand out the right way

Some may be common sense, but they are worth mentioning. Here are 9 ways to stand out in a group setting like an interview or a classroom.

Research the group in advance

If you know who is attending or conducting the meeting, you are automatically ahead of the rest. Having even the most basic information can lead to great results when it comes to standing out from the crowd.

Arrive early

The reason to arrive early is to observe everything. You should pay attention to everything from the surroundings, to who arrived early and in what order. It may even make you look like the person to follow because since you were there first, you probably know more than your competitors.

Rehearse your introduction

Have a short introduction about yourself ready to go. Rehearse it at home or even on the car ride over. It will make you sound eloquent and confident compared to someone who may struggle to think of what to say spur of the moment.


Sometimes we do more talking than we should because we feel anxious in new surroundings. Make sure to do more listening than talking because it will show others that you pay attention. Save your talking for the end and even ask for a question and answer period at the end.

Be the first

When there are questions posed to the group, be the first one to answer every third question. If you are always the first, we may come across as trying too hard. If we never answer first, it could be interpreted as not being interested.

Support others

When someone gives a good answer or makes a good statement, support their comment when it’s your turn. The words “as my colleague said” or “what she said is very true because” will help you be perceived as a good team player.


Simple actions like smiling and nodding are social signals that make people more appealing. If you smile and nod, people think of you as a pleasant individual who they want to get to know.


When appropriate, be sure to ask questions that others may have but may be afraid to ask. You want to be clever when asking so it doesn’t seem like the person leading the meeting or event is not doing a good job explaining things. It’s better to say things like “Could you please elaborate on” or “You said something very interesting earlier, can you say more?”


Make sure to Greet and Thank everyone in the group, Even the person who never said anything or the person whose only job was to dim the lights during the presentation can be an ally, so be sure to let them know you appreciate meeting them.

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